Legal Supervision Department

Legal Supervision Department

Legal Department

Plac Bankowy 3/5, 00-950 Warszawa

Mon. – Fri. 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m

Bogdan Brożyna

Department Director:

tel. + 48 226956070

fax. + 48 226956071



 Secretary’s Office of Legal Department – room No. 253

tel. +48 226956070

fax. +48 226956071

Department’s Tasks:

  • - the service of the Province Governor’s tasks in the scope of preparing the drafts of government documents concerning matters regarding the province to constitute the agenda of a session of the Council of Ministers; 
  • participation in negotiations and meetings with external entities and the Province Governor’s partners;
  • the coordination of assessing drafts of legal acts of the supreme and central authorities of the government administration;  
  • conducting matters resulting from the Province Governor supervising the activities of the associations of local government units; 
  • handling matters resulting from the Province Governor supervising  the activities of commercial chambers;
  • handling matters connected with supervising the resolutions and orders of  the authorities of local government units and their unions, and the authorities of the Agricultural Chamber with the application of the legality criterion;
  • handling matters connected with supervising the resolutions of the Supervisory Board of the Province Fund for Environment Protection  and Water Management in Warsaw;
  • handling matters connected with supervising the resolutions of the authorities of local government units concerning local spatial management plans and a land-use plan in substantial and procedural terms;
  • handing over the resolutions of  the authorities of local government units on joining international local communities to the minister of foreign affairs;
  • the implementation of tasks connected with issuing the Province Governor’s replacement orders on the basis of local government system acts;
  • the implementation of tasks connected with issuing the Province Governor’s replacement orders on the basis of local government system acts, and on the basis of regulations of the Geological and Mining Law;
  • the implementation of tasks connected with issuing the Province Governor’s replacement orders on the basis of the Assemblies’ Law Act;
  • performing legal representation in matters connected with the implementation of tasks in the scope of the operation of the Legal Supervision Department;
  • the reconciliation of act drafts of the local law enacted by the authorities of uncombined government administration in the province; 
  • handling matters concerning creating the unions of local government units;
  • handling matters connected with establishing receiverships and early elections;
  • handling matters connected with elections to the authorities of local government units;
  • the supervision and coordination of the Province Governor’s tasks of appointing persons fulfilling the function of an authority of local government units (of a commune administrator, mayor,  president);
  • keeping collections and the geological registers of areas with documented mineral deposits and documented complexes of underground storage of carbon dioxide for the territory of the province;
  • keeping the collection of spacial land-use plans for the communes of the province;
  • conducting a comparative analysis of spacial land-use plans for the communes and geological documentation of mineral deposits and complexes of underground storage of carbon dioxide for initiating the procedure of issuing a replacement order;
  • monitoring new decisions approving geological documentations of mineral deposits and complexes of underground storage of carbon dioxide due to the expiration of the term for initiating the procedure of issuing a replacement order;
  • handling activities in case of not passing resolutions by communes on proceeding to develop a spacial land-use plan or the change of a spacial land-use plan in terms of taking into account the occurrence of mineral deposits and complexes of underground storage of carbon dioxide in a spacial land-use plan;
  • the implementation and coordination of the Province Governor’s tasks in terms of free legal counsel;
  • giving public access to a list of sworn translators;
  • keeping, changing data, and giving access to the information included in the register of the translators of the Polish sign language, the language-sign system, and the way of communication for deaf and blind persons.
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