Pomoc dla niepełnosprawnych

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How to calculate the amount of funds that I should document?

  • for a bank account - at least PLN 515 per each month of the planned stay;
  • for an employment certificate - PLN 515 for a person monthly( for a foreigner, the person and each family member supported by the person and for each invited foreigner);
  • at least PLN 200 - for the immediate family (a descendant, an ancestor, a spouse, spouse's parents or the inviter's siblings);

The inviter should additionally have funds to cover the costs of accommodation if a foreigner is staying at a place other than the inviter's premises (e.g. costs related to flat lease or hotel accommodation).

The inviter should have funds to cover the costs of the invited foreigner's return trip to his/her place of origin or residence or his/her transit to a third country that will permit the entry, equal to the price of the ticket to this country, however, no less than:

  • PLN 200 for a return trip or a transit to a country bordering on the Republic of Poland;
  • PLN 500 for a return trip or a transit to a European country;
  • PLN 2,500 for a return trip or a transit to a non-European third country.
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Published by Michał Dec, 22.04.2014, Number of hits: 3546, Change Log