Students and graduated

Who can submitt an application?


An application for granting a temporary residence permit for the purpose of following higher education studies is submitted by a Foreigner whose purpose of stay in Poland is education at full-time higher education studies or post-graduate studies and a foreigner intending to take a preparatory course to follow such studies in the Polish language, if these circumstances justify their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period longer than 3 months.

Note! In the case of persons studying part-time, an application for a temporary residence permit ought to be submitted due to other circumstances - learning. More information: Click.

The first permit to follow higher education studies is granted for a period of 15 months to a foreigner who undertakes higher education studies in the first year. If higher education studies justify a foreigner’s stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period shorter than 1 year, the first permit for the first year is granted for the duration of the academic year or studies extended by three months. Another permit for a temporary residence for the purpose of following higher education studies is granted  for the period of the studies, extended by 3 months, but not longer than 3 years.

The first temporary residence permit for the purpose of following higher education studies but in the subsequent year of study is granted for the period of study, not longer than for 3 years.

Permanent residence permits for foreigners intending to take a preparatory course to follow higher education studies are granted for the duration of this course extended by 3 months.

After obtaining this permit, a foreigner may work in Poland without the necessity of possessing a work permit. The entry "access to the labour market" is placed in the residence card issued in connection with the  temporary residence permit granted to a foreigner. 

Note: The permit above cannot be obtained, among others, by foreigners who perform work or conduct business activity on the territory of the Republic of Poland, unless they apply for granting a new permit to follow higher education studies.



A temporary residence permit for a graduate of a Polish university looking for work or planning to start conducting  business activity is granted once, immediately after completing higher education studies for the period of one year. This permit does not grant the right to perform work on the territory of Poland. In order to take up employment, one must obtain a work permit additionally, unless it is not required. The graduates of full-time higher education studies at Polish universities are exempt from the obligation of obtaining a work permit.



Information for the persons possessing a document of residence with the annotation ”a student,” issued in another  EU state, taking part in exchange schemes with universities in Poland  

The holders of a residence document that is mentioned in art. 1 para. 2 letter a of Council Regulation (EC) no. 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third-party nationals (EU Official Journal  L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended) or a long-term visa with the annotation “student” issued by another member state of the European Union applying  Directive (EU)  2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council  of 11 May 2016 on the conditions of entry and residence of  third-party nationals  for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au pairing (recast) (EU Official Journal  L 132 of 21.05.2016, p. 21) (thus, it does not pertain to the documents of residence issued by Great Britain, Ireland, and  Denmark), including a country not belonging to the Schengen area, may make use of student mobility on the territory of the Republic of Poland within a period not exceeding the validity of this document of residence or a long-term visa, which means the right of entry, the right of residence for the purpose of continuing or completing studies taken up on the territory of another member state of the European Union within the period up to   360 days, regardless of the possibility of using this mobility in other EU member states applying the directive 2016/801/EU on specified conditions.

A foreigner who is a student or a PhD student may benefit from student mobility, if the following conditions are met jointly:

1)  the purpose of their stay on the territory of Poland is to continue or complete their studies taken up on the territory of another European Union member state;

 2)  a foreigner is covered by an EU programme or a multilateral programme including mobility measures or an agreement between at least two higher education institutions providing for intra-EU mobility (e.g. Erasmus);

 3) a document residence held by a foreigner mentioned in art. 1 pt. 2 letter of Regulation no. 1030/2002, or a long-term visa issued by another member state of the European Union includes the annotation "a student;”

 4)  the period of stay in Poland does not exceed 360 days.

A condition for a foreigner to benefit from student mobility on the territory of Poland is that the Head of the Office for Foreigners:

  • receives the notification of a foreigner’s intention to use this mobility from a unit conducting studies with the registered office in Poland, approved by the minister responsible for internal affairs, unless this unit is not subject to the approval requirement, or from a unit conducting studies which is not subject to the approval requirement, in relation to which a decision on prohibiting the admission of foreigners has not been issued,
  •  has not issued a decision on objection within the term of 30 days.

A notification ought to be drawn up in the Polish language; it ought to be submitted in the written form, in the paper or electronic form submitted to the electronic inbox of the Head of the Office for Foreigners. This notification is not submitted to a province governor.

More  information on this matter can be obtained at the website of the Office for Foreigners: Click.

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Published by Marcin Olechowski, 06.08.2019, Number of hits: 3837, Change Log
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