Registration of an EU citizen

What documents do I have to submit?


1. If you are employed:

  • a written statement of an employer or an entity authorized to employ the EU citizen on the intention to employ her/him or a certificate of employment;

2. If you are self-employed on the territory of the Republic of Poland:

  • a written declaration on the entry in the National Court Register or the Central Business Activity Register and Information Record System (CEIDG) or another proof confirming that the European Union citizen is self-employed on the territory of Poland;

3. If you study or participate in professional training:

  • an admittance certificate issued by a public or non-public university or a training referral,
  • a document confirming health insurance coverage or the right to receive health care benefits under the regulations on the coordination of social security systems, 
  • a written declaration on having sufficient funds to be able to support oneself and members of one's family, so as not to become a burden for the social assistance, or a proof of having the above-mentioned funds. Proofs of having the above-mentioned funds may include, in particular:
    a credit card;
    declaration on having the funds in a bank or another financial institution, confirmed with a stamp or signature of an authorized employee of this bank or financial institution, issued no earlier than one month before the submission of the residence registration application;

4. If you are married to a Polish citizen:                                                                                            

  • a document confirming conclusion of the marriage with a Polish citizen (an up-to-date copy of a marriage certificate issued no earlier than 3 months before the date of submission of the application),
  • a photocopy of the spouse's identity document (an ID card or a passport) – the original document should be presented for inspection or its notary certification should be attached;

5. In cases other than described in points 1-4:                                                                                   

  • a document confirming health insurance coverage or the right to receive health care benefits under the regulations on the coordination of social security systems,
  • a proof of having sufficient funds to be able to support oneself and members of one's family, so as not to become a burden for the social assistance. Proofs of having the above-mentioned funds may include, in particular:
    a credit card;
    a declaration on having the funds in a bank or another financial institution, confirmed with a stamp or signature of an authorized employee of this bank or financial institution, issued no earlier than one month before the submission of the residence registration application.

6. If a family member who is also an EU citizen is joining or staying with an EU citizen:

  • a certificate of the EU citizen's residence registration issued for the European Union citizen with whom the family member is staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  • a spouse – a document confirming conclusion of the marriage (e.g. marriage certificate),
  • a descendant – a document confirming the existence of family bonds and a document confirming the age or certifying that the person is the European Union citizen's or its spouse's dependent (e.g. birth certificate),
  • an ancestor – a document confirming the existence of family bonds and a document certifying that the person is the European Union citizen's or its spouse's dependent.


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