The agreement of the President of Poland to the abandonment of Polish nationality


  • Where can I submit an application? Can the application be send by post?

You can submit Your application personally or send it by the post. Information about the rules of submission of documents You can find on the website:,Where-can-I-submit-an-application.html

  • What does it mean, that the application am going to send by post, has to include an officially certified signature?

A signature certified legally is a signature certified by a notary.

  • What is the amount of administrative fee?

The application for the consent of the President of the Republic of Poland to the abandonment of Polish nationality is not subject to any administrative fee.

  • What does it mean, that the copy of my Marriage Certificate has to be current?

You have to enclose current, i.e. not older than three months, copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the Polish Registry Office.

  • What kind of data is to be enclosed in the copy of my Birth Certificate?

The Birth Certificate should include: full name and surname, date and place of birth, name and surname of the father, as well as the name and surname at birth of the mother.

  • Do I have to enclose a document confirming that I have foreign citizenship with the application ?

Yes, a certified photocopy of a document confirming the possession of another country’s citizenship or the original version of a document promising naturalization as foreign citizen should be enclosed with the application.

  • I would like to submit an application for me and my son. Does the father of the child have to give his consent to the abandonment of the child’s Polish nationality?

Yes, the other parent has to give his consent to the abandonment of Polish nationality by the juvenile child. Such a statement should be accepted by the Voivod competent for the seat (if this parent resides in Poland) or by the Polish consul (if this parent resides abroad or stays in Poland due to having a visa or in visa-free traffic).

  • When does the child have to give his or her consent to abandon Polish nationality?

The child has to give his or her consent to abandon Polish nationality if he or she is at least 16-years-old. Such a statement should be accepted by the Voivod competent for the seat (if the child resides in Poland) or by the Polish consul (if the child resides abroad or stays in Poland due to having a visa or in visa-free traffic).

  • How can I certify documents to be true copies?

The documents can be certified to be true copies e.g. by a Polish notary or Polish consul. The documents can be also certified at the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office in Warsaw upon submitting the application.

  • Where can I certify the documents to be true copies abroad?

The documents can be certified to be true copies in Polish Embassy or Polish Consulate.

  • Will the documents I enclosed with the application be returned to me?

No, the documents enclosed with the application are not returned, because they serve as proof in the case.

  • Who can translate the documents into Polish?

Documents in foreign language should be translated into Polish by Polish sworn translator or by Polish consul.

  •  I submitted the application for naturalisation as Polish citizen, then I changed my residence address. Should I inform the office about it?

Yes, during the proceedings, the applicant has an obligation to inform the office about any changes of his or her address. In case of dereliction of this duty, all the official letters are being sent to the previous address and deemed delivered.

  • When will the office pass my application to the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland?

The application for naturalisation as Polish citizen is  passed to the Ministry of Inner Affairs or directly to the Chancellery to the President of the Republic of Poland together with the judgement of the Mazowieckie Voivod and full set of documents. The judgement is prepared within 14 working days, if all the required documents have been enclosed to the application. If the application has any formal defects or not all the documents have been enclosed to it, the office will call you to correct them within 30 days from the date of delivery of call for correction. After the expiry of that period the application will not be further examined.

  •  How can I appeal from the decision?

No appeal can be made against the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland.

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