Naturalisation as Polish citizen


  • Where can I submit an application? Can the application be send by post?

You can submit Your application personally or send it by the post. Information about the rules of submission of documents You can find on the website:,Where-can-I-submit-an-application.html

  • What is the amount of administrative fee?

The administrative fee for the decision to naturalise as Polish citizen equals 219 PLN.

The administrative fee is paid on the following account number:

Dzielnica Śródmieście Warszawy
ul. Nowogrodzka 43, 00-691 Warszawa
account number: 60-1030-1508-0000-0005-5001-0038

  • How can I confirm that the documents are certified copies?

The documents enclosed to the application can be confirmed to be certified copies by a Polish notary or Polish consul. The documents can also be certified in the Mazovieckie Voivodship Office in Warsaw, upon submitting the application.

  • Where can I confirm the documents to be certified copies abroad?

Documents can be confirmed to be certified copies in Polish Embassy or Polish Consulate.

  • Will the documents enclosed with the attachment be returned after the termination of proceedings?

No, the documents attached to the application are not returned, because they serve as proof in the case.

  • Who can translate the documents into Polish?

Documents in foreign language should be translated into Polish by a sworn translator or Polish consul.

  •  Can I enclose my foreign Birth Certificate together with translated version to the application?

No, you cannot. You have to enclose the copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Polish Registry Office. To this end you have to authenticate (enter to the marital status registration books) the content of foreign copy of Birth Certificate. All the Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates and Death Records are subject to authentication if issued abroad.

  • What does it mean, that the copy of my Marriage Certificate has to be current?

You have to enclose current, i.e. not older than three months, copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the Polish Registry Office.

  • What kind of data is to be included in the copy of my Birth Certificate?

The Birth Certificate should include: full name and surname, date and place of birth, name and surname of the father, as well as the name and surname at birth of the mother.

  • My surname and place of birth are different in authenticated in Poland Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate, because the translator used different spelling when translating them from native language into Polish. Do these data have to be homogenous?

Yes, the vital records issued by the Polish Registry Office have to include homogenous spelling of the applicant’s name and surname, his or her place of birth, names and surnames at birth of parents.

  • Which documents can confirm having uninterrupted stay in Poland?

The following documents can confirm uninterrupted stay in Poland: copies of whole passports with stamps, plane tickets and documents considering business trips.

  • Which documents can I submit in order to confirm that I have sources of stable and regular income in Poland?

Documents confirming sources of stable and regular income in Poland are e.g. employment confirmation with the amount of salary included, copy of PIT for the previous year certified by the Internal Revenue Office, confirmation from the Internal Revenue Office on the amount of income, RMUA report – in case of agreements signed for a short period of time, confirmation from the commune office [urząd gminy] on having an agricultural farm including information on its size also in comparative fiscal hectares).

  • What is an official confirmation of the knowledge of the Polish language?

The following documents are deemed to be certificates of the knowledge of the Polish language: graduation certificate of a school in Poland or graduation certificate of a school abroad with Polish language of instruction or a certificate issued by the State Committee on Certifying the Knowledge of the Polish Language as a Foreign Language.

  • Does the certificate issued by the State Committee on Certifying the Knowledge of the Polish Language as a Foreign Language have to confirm the particular level of knowledge of the Polish language?
Polish Citizenship Act does not specify at what level certificate should confirm knowledge of the Polish language.
  • I would like to submit an application for naturalisation as Polish citizen for me and my son. Does the father of the child have to give his consent to the child being naturalised as Polish citizen?

Yes, the other parent has to give his consent to the juvenile child being naturalised as Polish citizen. Such a statement should be accepted by the Voivod competent for the seat (if this parent resides in Poland) or by the Polish consul (if this parent resides abroad or stays in Poland due to having a visa or in visa-free traffic).

  • When does the child has to give his or her consent to be naturalised as Polish citizen?

The child has to give his or her consent to be naturalised as Polish citizen if he or she is at least 16-years-old. Such a statement should be accepted by the Voivod competent for the seat (if the child resides in Poland) or by the Polish consul (if the child resides abroad or stays in Poland due to having a visa or in visa-free traffic).

  • I have been naturalised as Polish citizen and now I would like to submit an application for naturalisation as Polish citizen only for my juvenile son, who has got authorisation to settle in Poland. Does the father of the child have to give his consent to the child being naturalised as Polish citizen?

In such case the application for naturalization as Polish citizen has to be signed by both of the parents, which means that consent of the other of the parents only in form of a statement is not enough.

  • I had recently submitted the application for naturalisation as Polish citizen, then I changed my residence address. Should I inform the office about it?

Yes, during the proceedings, the applicant has an obligation to inform the office about any changes of his or her address. In case of dereliction of this duty, all the official letters are being sent to the previous address and deemed delivered.

  •  How long will it take for the decision to be rendered?

The decision is rendered within 1 month. In highly complicated cases – not later than within 2 months.

Before rendering of the decision, the office makes a request to the Provincial Police Commander, the Director of the Delegacy of Internal Security Office and other authorities if needed, to provide information, whether naturalizing you as Polish citizen is not a threat to defence or safety of the state or to the protection of safety and public order. The authorities  should reply within 30 days. In justified cases the response time can be extended up to 3 months.

The terms of decision rendering do not include terms provided by the provisions of law in order to perform specific actions (e.g. waiting for information and documents from other authorities), periods of suspension of the proceedings and periods of delay caused by the party’s own fault (e.g. if the applicant has not enclosed necessary documents to the application) or caused by factors independent of the authority (e.g. if the office is unable to act due to a natural disaster).

  •  How can I appeal from a decision?

The appeal from the decision can be submitted within 14 days from the date of its delivery through the Mazowieckie Voivod to the Minister of the Interior and Administration.

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