Naturalisation as Polish citizen

Conditions I have to meet

  • The documents enclosed to the application have to be submitted either in the form of original version or of certified copies.

Who can certify the document to be a true copy?

  1. Polish notary, Polish consul or the applicant’s proxy, being an attorney, legal advisor, patent lawyer or tax advisor,
  2. the documents can be certified at the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office in Warsaw upon submitting the application. To this end the original version of the document and photocopies made on one’s own have to be prepared.
  • All the documents and official letters in foreign language have to be translated into Polish by Polish consul or Polish sworn translator.
  • The data contained in the Polish civil status, residence card and a foreign passport shall be uniform.
  • The validity of the passport or travel document an alien applying for granting his Polish citizenship can not be shorter than three months at the time of application.
  • Every applicant (except for children) has to enclose official certificate confirming knowledge of the Polish language at least at a conversational level, i.e. graduation certificate of a school in Poland, graduation certificate of a school abroad with Polish language of instruction or a certificate issued by the State Committee on Certifying the Knowledge of the Polish Language as a Foreign Language [Państwowa Komisja Poświadczania Znajomości Języka Polskiego jako Obcego], to the application.
  • Your stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is deemed uninterrupted, if no brake in it have lasted longer than 6 months and all the breaks have not exceeded total of 10 month in the periods specified in Art. 30, Section 1 of the Act, unless such a break was caused by:
  1. performing professional duties or work outside the territory of the Republic of Poland due to agreement signed with an employer with seat on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  2. accompanying foreigner, performing professional duties or work outside the territory of the Republic of Poland due to agreement signed with an employer with seat on the territory of the Republic of Poland, by his or her spouse or juvenile child,
  3. special personal situation requiring the foreigner’s presence outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, lasting no longer than 6 months,
  4. journey outside the territory of the Republic of Poland in order to undergo a training program or participation in classes, provided in the course of the study of a Polish academy.
  • The application for naturalisation as Polish citizen only for a juvenile child has to be signed by both of the parents. The child who is at least 16-years-old on the day of submitting the application, also has to agree to be naturalised as a Polish citizen.
  • If the foreigner submits the application for himself or herself, as well as for the juvenile, the other of the parents has to agree to naturalise the child as Polish citizen. Such a statement can be accepted by the following persons:
  1. the Voivod competent for the seat – if the parent resides in Poland,
  2. the Polish consul – if the parent resides abroad or stays in Poland pursuant to a visa or in visa-free traffic.

In the case when the statement has been submitted before other Voivod or consul, information on this fact has to be included in the application,

  • If the foreigner submits the application for himself or herself, as well as for the juvenile at least 16-years old, the other of the parents has to agree to naturalise the child as Polish citizen. Such a statement can be accepted by the following persons:
  1. the Voivod competent for the seat – if the parent resides in Poland,
  2. the Polish consul – if the parent resides abroad or stays in Poland pursuant to a visa or in visa-free traffic.

In the case when the statement has been submitted before other Voivod or consul, information on this fact has to be included in the application.

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Published by Michał Dec, 18.04.2014, Number of hits: 4860, Change Log
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